Stickney Surgery

New information on ordering repeat prescriptions


As of Monday 3rd June 2024, we will be changing the way patients order their repeat prescriptions.
The option to request your prescription by speaking to our patient services advisors on the telephone will no longer be available.

Patients will have a choice of the following services:
• Patient Partner
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered over the phone using our 24-hour automated system. To use this service, you will need your date of birth, registered phone number and a six-digit PIN number which can be requested at reception.
• Online services
NHS App, SystmOnline and Via the practice website
To use these services please ask a member of the patient services team for more information or register online for the NHS App.
To submit a medication request via the green banner on the practice website, select admin query, repeat prescription, and follow the instructions.
• In person at the surgery
To submit a request in person at the surgery please drop your repeat prescription slip in the letter box at the front of the building.
• Home delivery
Patients can hand their repeat prescription slip to the delivery driver.

We are making these changes for the following reasons:
1. Patient Safety
Patients do not always know the name of their medication; we are often asked to order “the pink tablet” or “can I order the patches”. This is unsafe and can lead to the incorrect medication being ordered. Our patient service advisors and dispensers are not medically trained and are not able to identify the medication by description or their usages.
2. Reduce waiting times on the telephone.
Recently we have seen an increase in the amount of telephone calls and the length of time each call takes, this change will free up more time for our patient service advisors to deal calls more effectively.
3. Reducing medicine wastage
Patients will be able to manage their requests more efficiently and help prevent wastage and overordering of medication. We often receive calls from patients who ask us to order everything, but when asked they do not need all items.
4. Accurate records
Ordering your medication online will ensure an accurate audit trial on your medical records.

Thanks, Stickney Surgery

Date published: 3rd June, 2024
Date last updated: 3rd June, 2024